Friday, April 19, 2013

A quick sketch of myself!
I can't really call it a self-portrait, can I xD

Thursday, April 18, 2013

I found this in my drawing folder a while ago.
It's an work in progress that I really liked, but I never got the courage to finish I guess.
I'll try to finish it soon though :D

I made a couple of color test for it (yay perspective level 0!!)

And here are the colors I chose


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I've been doing these at work while waiting for my renders to finish.
I thought hey! why waste any time?
aaaand my brain desesparatly needed some time to relax between animating cut-out scenes haha

These are on post-it notes, napkins and basicaly, every piece of paper available on my desk.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Legend of Korra

Yeah so, I watched recently the Legend of Korra finale, and I was really dissapointed :C
But the episode before that was so awesome gjaiohj
so here is some fanart c:
Lin Bei Fong after she lost her bending

 and Bolin

I guess I love earthbenders
...and Tenzin, I have to draw Tenzin soon